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Bug#268957: pdflatex started embedding Palatino and Zapf Dingbats as pk-files

On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, +15:26:14 EEST (UTC +0300),
Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> pressed some keys:

> Well, instead of posting complete files you should rather post
> minimal examples, like:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{palatino}
> \begin{document}
> test
> \end{document}

I used mathpazo instead of palatino. Go to CTAN and find "l2tabu".

These files were done with these commands:

pdflatex -file-line-error-style tmp.tex > tmp.out 2>&1
pdflatex -file-line-error-style tmp.tex > tmp.02.out 2>&1


Here is output of "tree /var/cache/fonts/pk":

|-- ljfzzz
`-- modeless
    `-- adobe
        `-- palatino
            `-- pplr8r.1200pk

4 directories, 1 file

> Could you feed that file to pdflatex and post the log file here?
> What does "grep VARTEXMF /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf" say?

VARTEXMF = /var/lib/texmf
% The braces are necessary.  If you set VARTEXMF, you also have to
%   - list $VARTEXMF in the TEXMF definition;
%   - make sure that $VARTEXMF precedes $TEXMFMAIN in the TEXMF
%   definition.
%   VARTEXMF = /var/lib/texmf
% and do not mention it in TEXMFDBS (but _do_ mention VARTEXMF).

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * * http colon slash slash iki dot fi slash juhtolv
"kun aamun veitsi taivaan halkaisee, valo repii huoneen rikki, hajalle. kielen
paksuus täyttää koko saastaisen suun. kasvot kuivaa savea ja lantaa."      CMX

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