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Re: Courier \texttt{} font too large?

Charlie Zender <zender@uci.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I use Debian Sid GNU/Linux and its tetex package and update regularly.
> For the last few months, ghostview and xpdf have picked a 12pt courier
> font to display the 10pt courier generated by the \texttt{} and \url{}
> commands in my 10pt documents. So my documents look bad in ghostview
> and xpdf. acroread, on the other hand, picks a great font and diplays
> quite nicely. The courier fonts in
> http://dust.ess.uci.edu/hire/sdn_grd_02_adv.pdf
> show what I've just tried to describe. They were produced by \texttt{}
> and by \url{}. When viewed with acroread, they look great, but when
> viewed with gv or xpdf, the look not so great.
> Is anyone familiar with this problem?

No, because for my main work, I still use woody. In fact the problem
only occurs with sid's version of gv, xpdf, and gs, not with
woody's. So for sure the pdf itself is in order, tetex's mechanism of
pdf creation is not buggy. The question is what is buggy then.

> I have all the font packages that I know could make a difference:
> apt-get install acroread cmatrix-xfont emacs-intl-fonts gsfonts-x11
> t1-xfree86-nonfree ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-freefont ttf-xfree86-nonfree
> xfonts-100dpi xpdf
> Is there some other font package I should check for?

defoma, perhaps. In fact I first thought it might be some library used
by all those programs, but gs and xpdf do not share any font-related
library (only libc and standard X11 stuff).

I have filed a bug report against gs (which is the underlying engine for
gv), sending you a copy.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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