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Bug#261736: tetex-extra: contains older version of colortbl.sty

Manuel Atug <manuel@atug.de> wrote:

> as you did, i putted an updated version into my local texmf-tree, of
> course. The thing is... every update of tetex-extra destroys my
> update, as it puts the included old version of colortbl.* into the
> texmf-tree again and all is brocken again.
> Either put the colortbl.* files out of tetex-extra, or put the latest
> version into it.

No, if you do it correctly, it does not matter whether this file is in
tetex-extra or not. With the default /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf, the search
path is constructed this way:



TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/local/share/texmf

If you put the updated file into 




and run texhash, then LaTeX will always find the updated version.

> The function \cellcolor is broken in your delivered version, so this
> is a "packages don't work at all" and it would be helpfull, if you fix
> this bug not in release 3.0, but in next one.

No, we won't. If we start fixing every bug in LaTeX styles, we can as
well stop packaging teTeX, and instead make a CTAN-copy package: Much
too much work for Debian's teTeX maintainers.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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