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Re: teTeX and sarge-release

On 16.01.04 Atsuhito Kohda (kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp) wrote:


> > Two weeks can be a very short time. There are a few bugs in teTeX,
> > which could have that tag pending and which could be closed, without
> > breaking anything. I would like to have these uploaded to unstable
> > ASAP, so that stuff has still enough time to migrate into testing
> > before release. I think of:
> Yes, I agreed and I just checked if pserver worked or not
> and it seemed it was re-enabled already (please try and verify)
> so there would be no big problem to follow your suggestions.
drachi:[hille] >cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/tetex co tetex-bin/debian
cvs server: warning: cannot write to history file /cvs/tetex/CVSROOT/history: Permission denied
cvs server: Updating tetex-bin/debian
cvs server: failed to create lock directory for `/cvs/tetex/tetex-bin/debian' (/cvs/tetex/tetex-bin/debian/#cvs.lock): Permission denied
cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/cvs/tetex/tetex-bin/debian'
cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
drachi:[hille] >

Anybody able to reproduce that? Could it have it something to with
latest cvs-security-upgrade or does it mean, that the CVS-server is
just dead?
Sorry! I forgot, that still not the whole Debian infrastructure is
up and running.

Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better
not refuse.

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