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Bug#227856: tetex-bin: dvipdfm generates bitmap fonts in stead of T1 fonts

"Manuel Bilderbeek" <bilm@oce.nl> schrieb:

> Package: tetex-bin
> Version: 2.0.2-5.1
> Severity: normal
> Here at work we have a LaTeX class that uses PostScript fonts, instead
> of the normal CM fonts. 

I am not the best in font stuff, so some of the following questions
might be foolish. 

- These fonts are not postscript versions of CM fonts, but separate font
  families, correct? These fonts are not included in tetex, but have
  been installed by you? Or is this just Adobe's Helvetica or URW
  Helvetica or something else included in tetex?

- How did you install these fonts? Which entries under /etc/ did you
  make, which commands where called? 

- In your test document, you only use text fonts of \familydefault phv,
  but you declare a lot of other things. Does the following smaller
  document also produce the problems on your system? On my system, both
  version use postscript fonts with dvipdfm.




I work at Oc\'e{}.


- Which map entries are in your /etc/texmf/dvipdfm/config? If you didn't
  change the original file, is should be at the end and only say

% Font map files; maintained by updmap(1)
f dvipdfm.map

  If you changed it, please give us the whole file.

- Is /etc/texmf/dvips/dvipdfm.map a symlink, and where does it point to?
  What is the output of 

grep phvr8r /etc/texmf/dvips/dvipdfm.map

- What is the output of 

egrep -v '^#|^$' /etc/texmf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg

Now some more remarks:

> and then view it with Acrobat Reader (e.g.), the fonts look fine.
> But when I generate PDF via:
> latex test.tex
> dvipdfm test.dvi
> and then view it with Acrobat Reader (e.g.), the fonts look horrible,
> clearly bitmapped. I know for sure that it worked fine a couple of
> months ago (when I last wrote a report :-).

On my system they don't look bitmapped. I also do not get the dvipdfm warnings.

> This is the verbosed output of dvipdfm:
> $ dvipdfm -vvv test.dvi
> Warning:  Couldn't open font map file cmr.map
> Warning:  Couldn't open font map file psbase14.map
> Warning:  Couldn't open font map file lw35urw.map

$ locate cmr.map

hm, this doesn't seem to apply to dvipdfm. Still it does not warn (no
psbase14.map or lw35urw.map are on my system).

> [1<phvr7t@11.96pt(TFM:/usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.tfm)(VF:/usr/share/texmf/fonts/vf/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.vf(TFM:/usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/helvetic/phvr8r.tfm)<phvr8r@11.96pt
> fontmap: phvr8r (no map)

Here mine says:

fontmap: phvr8r -> Helvetica(8r)

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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