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Bug#227398: hyperref destroys hyphenation of ToC

Juhapekka Tolvanen <juhtolv@cc.jyu.fi> schrieb:

> On Wed, 14 Jan 2004, +18:19:12 EET (UTC +0200),
> Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> pressed some keys:
>> On 13.01.04 Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:
>> > Could you give a short example document? I cannot imagine a section
>> > heading long enough to make hyphenation necessary, so I couldn't
>> > test...
>> drachi:[hille] >more a.tex
>> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>> \usepackage{german}
>> \usepackage[a4paper]{hyperref}
>> %\usepackage[a4paper,dvips]{hyperref}
>> \newcommand{\donau}{Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapit"ansjacke}
>> \begin{document}
>> \tableofcontents
>> \section{\donau\ \donau}
>> \donau\ \donau
>> \end{document}
> Thank you very much!
> I tried compiling that code in my machine. Both with and without option
> "dvips" hyperref-package detroys hyphenation of ToC, when using vanilla
> latex-command. 

This is the same here, and it is contrary to the hyperref documentation:
It says that if no backend driver is specified, hypertex will be loaded;
but with \usepackage[a4paper,hypertex]{hyperref} and vanilla latex one
gets a different behaviour (the ToC is hyphenated). I'll report this one
to Heiko.

> pdflatex has no problems.

hyperref detects that it is run by pdflatex and automatically loads the
pdftex backend driver.

> Somebody suggested option breaklinks and it really helps. Thanks!
> I'll use it from this time forward.
> I really don't know, what should be done for that bug. Maybe it is so
> difficult to fix, that breaklinks-option is always needed as a
> workaround. Or maybe breaklinks-options should true by default with
> every driver. I just don't know, if that will cause some problems.

I think this is not a question of "wrong or right", in fact it means
sailing between Scylla and Charybdis. The dvips-ps2pdf combination
cannot handle links broken over two lines, unless dvips is called with
the -z option. But this option bloats the ps files by including a lot of
stuff that is usually unneeded and unwanted. This is Scylla, and it is
avoided by not making -z the default for dvips. Charybdis is to get no
hyphenation in the tableof... environments, or to force hyphenation with
[breaklinks], but to get ugly links in pdf files produced via

Just as for Odysseus, there is no safe way around, you just can try to
navigate, steering the right way every moment:

- If you want to use the same file to produce pdf with pdflatex and
  dvi/ps with latex, use [hypertex] or [dvips,breaklinks] for the latex
  case. Once the hyperref bug is fixed and it really loads hypertex by
  default, you can use \usepackage{hyperref} without driver option.

- If you want to produce pdf files via latex-dvips-ps2pdf, you have two
  options to get hyphenation within the tableof...:

  * either use \usepackage[dvips]{hyperref} (or no driver specification,
    at the moment), --> dvips --> ps2pdfb, and live with the ugly links
    (coloring/underlining/click effect only in the first line).

  * or use \usepackage[hypertex]{hyperref} (or no driver specification
    once hyperref behaves as documented) and remember to give dvips the
    -z switch.

> Well, many software manuals has a section called "Troubleshooting". Maybe
> upstream author should add such section to documentation of hyperref.

I'll talk about that with Heiko.

Bye, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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