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Bug#227398: hyperref destroys hyphenation of ToC

On Wed, 14 Jan 2004, +18:19:12 EET (UTC +0200),
Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> pressed some keys:

> On 13.01.04 Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:

> > Could you give a short example document? I cannot imagine a section
> > heading long enough to make hyphenation necessary, so I couldn't
> > test...

> drachi:[hille] >more a.tex
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{german}
> \usepackage[a4paper]{hyperref}
> %\usepackage[a4paper,dvips]{hyperref}
> \newcommand{\donau}{Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapit"ansjacke}
> \begin{document}
> \tableofcontents
> \section{\donau\ \donau}
> \donau\ \donau
> \end{document}

Thank you very much!

I tried compiling that code in my machine. Both with and without option
"dvips" hyperref-package detroys hyphenation of ToC, when using vanilla
latex-command. pdflatex has no problems.

Somebody suggested option breaklinks and it really helps. Thanks!
I'll use it from this time forward.

I really don't know, what should be done for that bug. Maybe it is so
difficult to fix, that breaklinks-option is always needed as a
workaround. Or maybe breaklinks-options should true by default with
every driver. I just don't know, if that will cause some problems.

Well, many software manuals has a section called "Troubleshooting". Maybe
upstream author should add such section to documentation of hyperref.

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * http colon slash slash iki dot fi slash juhtolv
"Kun katsoo suuren tyhjyyden ilkkuvaan ilvehahmoon, ponnistaa tahtonsa ja
repii viimein reiän varjoihin: Hämärillä teillä tyttö, tähtisilmä,
kultakutri, taivaallisen puhemiehen tarjoama mielitietty!"               CMX

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