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Bug#223728: tetex-bin needn't depend on xlibs

On 12.12.03 Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:
> "Michael K. Edwards" <mkedebian@sane.net> schrieb:

Hi all,

> > The attached patch splits off separate xdvi, texdoctk, and
> > metafont-xterm-support packages from tetex-bin, leaving tetex-bin
> > free of xfree86 dependencies.  I am sure that this has been
> > debated before,
Sure, it has. There are at least 4-5 wishlist bugs sitting in the
DBTS some of them for more than 2 years.

> Yes, it has. The answer was "not for woody", but unfortunately
> since then nobody worked on it. I cannot judge whether we are again
> too near to a freeze. But at least we have a working patch now.
IMHO we should start working on this ASAP. If it won't go into
testing until freeze due to RC-bugs we're out of luck but at least
we've closed that stuff in unstable.
As far as I understood the last messages from the d-i team we have
still a few weeks and the RC-bug count didn't drop that rapidly

> If we do discuss issues like this, we should also take into account
> that also the destinction between tetex-base and tetex-extra is
> problematic (see #190721).
My proposal at this time didn't go so far as Michaels one. If his
patches work we can close #190721 too, IMHO.

> And there are even some problems with splitting off tetex-doc and
> tetex-src (no bug reports so far).
-v please

H., hoping teTeX > 2.0.2 comes out before sarge 
sigmentation fault

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