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Bug#67622: Documentation for olgerman should mention how to activate the fonts

On 23.07.00 Falk Hueffner (falk@debian.org) wrote:


> Package: tetex-doc
> Version: 1.0-10
> Severity: wishlist
> File: /usr/share/doc/texmf/fonts/oldgerman/suet.dvi
> The documentation assumes the reader is familiar with fonts under
> LaTeX, but a simple example would have been very helpful for me (I
> needed to install the source to see how it's done...). It could
> look like this:
> \documentclass{article}
> \newfont{\suet}{suet14}
> \begin{document}
> \suet{Dies ist ein Text, der mit Sütterlin-Schrift geschrieben ist.}
> \end{document}
This mechanism is described in latex2e.dvi, which is delivered out
with tetex-doc. I wouldn't like to have it in every document, which
uses it. Also some external sources from the Internet could be
helpful. I propose to close that bug or to tag it wontfix.

sigmentation fault

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