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Bug#204027: tetex-doc: Package doesn't include latex.ltx documentation

On 11.08.03 Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:
> Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> schrieb:


> > I'm afraid not: Did you have a look at tetex-base/tetex-extra from
> > stable? The Style-Files and the FD-Files for the ae-fonts are in
> > tetex-extra, meanwhile the tfm's and vf's are in tetex-base...
> > Did that change in unstable?
> frank@alhambra:~$ dlocate -l tetex-base
> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
> | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
> |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
> ||/ Name                  Version               Description
> +++-=====================-=====================-============================================================
> ii  tetex-base            2.0.2-4.1             basic teTeX library files                                     
> frank@alhambra:~$ dlocate /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/ae/aett8.tfm 
> tetex-base: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/ae/aett8.tfm
> frank@alhambra:~$ 
> It seems that this particular thing has changed.

drachi:[tetex] >dpkg-deb -c tetex-base_2.0.2-4.1_all.deb|grep ae|grep tfm|wc
     51     306    5081
drachi:[tetex] >dpkg-deb -c tetex-extra_2.0.2-4.1_all.deb|grep ae|grep sty|wc
      3      18     279
drachi:[tetex] >dpkg-deb -c tetex-extra_2.0.2-4.1_all.deb|grep ae|grep fd|wc
     12      72    1111
drachi:[tetex] >

It may partially makes sense, cause one can use the tfm's and the
vf's without the LaTeX-stuff...

> However, I still believe we should think about the right way to
> split tetex into packages. However, I will start a new thread on
> debian-tetex-maint instead of answering to one particular bug
> report.
Well in the moment I'm quite to lazy to think about that, hence I
stop whining.

sigmentation fault

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