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Bug#190606: tetex-bin: French debconf templates update

Good....evening, Atsuhito.

> Hi, soory for a delay but here is the new version of fr.po

OK....I started to work on it.

A lot of work is needed as you've added a lot of strings.. :-)

(I get 7 unstranslated strings and 1 fuzzy string)

Moreover, these strings are quite...verbose...so careful proofreading
is needed.

Then, it will take a few days before I receive enough input from my
fellow french tsl team colleagues.....

Moreover these choices (uatomatic updates) are obviously important so
the explanations have to be correct... :-)

If you have enough time for the upload of the new package release, I
have a suggestion for the template with the language choices "bahasa,

Po-debconf has a special case for that one : you just put "__Choices"
in the front of the line instead of "_Choices". Then, each individual
choice will become one string in the po files.....

This makes translators work a lot easier. Moreover, only a very short
strings has then to be translated when you add a new choice,while
others remains translated....

The constraint is that, for the first time, the full Choices will
become untranslated when you first change the templates file.

(I succeded to manage this for my geneweb package : I just carefully
edited each po file after changing the master templates
file....recognizing every translation is in fact quite easy)

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