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Bug#146438: tetex-base: bibtex deals badly with \% at a linebreak

On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 09:40:01PM -0700, C.M. Connelly wrote:
> I thought I had come up with a way to slightly modify your bibliography
> entry so that it would work, but I can't reproduce my initial
> success so I'm not going to include it here.

I have been able to work around the problem for my particular case.
However, I think it's still not-good that there is some input for
which bibtex generates incorrect output.

>     A> (Input that breaks in one bst file may work fine in
>     A> another, but for any given bst file there is some input
>     A> that will work incorrectly)
> If you insist on including code to create the link in your
> bibliography file, that's true.  

If you look at the other messages that have been sent regarding this
bug, you'll see that it can be produced without using any sort of
hyperref/url stuff (which is just a red herring).  It occurs anytime a
\% is included in the input exactly where bibtex tries to break the

> (All of the above aside, the folks with the space in their URL
> should really replace it with an underscore.)

I agree, but that's not really something I have control over ;)

-- Agthorr

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