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Bug#172483: tetex-extra: listings.sty and listings.cfg missing

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"AK" == Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp> writes:

    AK> From: lars@segv.dk (Lars Munch) Subject: Bug#172483:
    AK> tetex-extra: listings.sty and listings.cfg missing Date:
    AK> Fri, 13 Dec 2002 12:46:02 +0100

    >> Both listings.cfg listings.sty are distributed under the
    >> terms of the LaTeX Project Public License. Is that not
    >> compatible with DFSG?

    AK> LPPL is DFSG compatible but the linstings package has
    AK> extra condition which might be not DFSG compliant.


    AK> Because I'm not a native English speaker, I can't
    AK> understand the nuance of "please" but I think it is safe
    AK> to remove the listings package until it is clear that the
    AK> listings is DFSG-free.

There's a newer version of the listings package on CTAN (Copyright
2002), that has a slightly different, but still possibly
problematic, request.

My reading of the text is that it's just a request, and not at all
binding, but it might be good to get a legal (or debian-legal)

Getting the author to change the terms would be better, however.
Probably the best way to make that happen would be for people who
actually use the package to write to the author, [1] explain the
problems, and ask him to change the license.


[1] Carsten Heinz <cheinz@gmx.de>

 Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in his
	    spare time; only by what he does as his work.
			     W.R. Lethaby
  C.M. Connelly               cmc@debian.org                   SHC, DS
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