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Bug#170592: tetex-base: improperly handling /usr/share/texmf/doc symlink

From: Julian Gilbey <jdg@polya.uklinux.net>
Subject: Bug#170592: tetex-base: improperly handling /usr/share/texmf/doc symlink
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 23:09:37 +0000

> > And tetex-bin also contains similar preinst.  How about it ?
> > It also should be removed?
> Yes.
> I don't believe that they serve any useful purpose any longer.

Okay, then I have an intention to modify update-texmf
so that it will search only /etc/texmf/texmf.d/*.cnf
as update-fmtutil does.

This makes update-texmf much nicer than the current one,
for example, 

CNFFILES=`/bin/ls -1 /etc/texmf/texmf.d/* | egrep -v "(.dpkg-[a-z]*|~|.bak|.orig|.BAK|.ORIG)$"`

could be

CNFFILES=`/bin/ls -1 /etc/texmf/texmf.d/*.cnf`

and a user could save old version freely with any suffix(?).

But we should rename /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF to
/etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf etc. in preinst.

Also we should announce this modification to the maintainers 
of related packages.

As I said before, I have no knowledge on Perl so I would 
like to write preinst of tetex-bin in shell script.

Is there any objection or any idea?

Best regards,			2002/12/6

 Debian Developer & Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@debian.org>
 Department of Math., Tokushima Univ.

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