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Bug#61627: this is serious

"CMC" == C.M. Connelly <c@eskimo.com>
"IZ"  == Ian Zimmerman <itz@speakeasy.org>

    CMC> Slightly harder is deciding what to do about existing PK
    CMC> fonts.  Off the top of my head, we could

    CMC> 1. Delete them, and allow them to be regenerated
    CMC>    on-the-fly 

    CMC> 2. Move the fonts from their old location to the new
    CMC>    location

    CMC> 3. Allow the systems administrator to decide whether to
    CMC>    move the fonts or not 

    IZ> I was silently assuming 1), but I don't have a preference,
    IZ> really.  Any of the 3 will do for me.

That's pretty easy, too.

    CMC> Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he
    CMC> does in his spare time; only by what he does as his work.
    CMC> W.R. Lethaby

    IZ> Is this tongue-in-cheek?  I'd say exactly the opposite is
    IZ> the true, in our times.

It wasn't meant to be.  It's part of a longer quote, which was
itself quoted in Justin Howes's _Johnston's Underground Type_.
The whole quote (from Howes) is

   Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does
   in his spare time; only by what he does as his work.  Ruskin
   understood that and so became the inventor of Modern Thinking;
   but it will take several generations yet for the idea to
   spread.  It is still too strange and unacceptable to a world
   which is pinning its hopes on hobbies.  
                                                 -- W.R. Lethaby

My take on it is that we (as a society) have so demeaned our work
lives that we're not doing work that's valuable in and of itself,
but only as a means of making money.  I think Lethaby was talking
about the idea of doing meaningful work, and that meaningful,
``civilising'', work (as the major part of one's time) would help
create a meaningful, civilized person.

Simply put, painting, making sculptures, or building houses for
the homeless on the weekends isn't enough to make up for building
nuclear weapons, writing spam software, or programming craftsmen
out of work during the rest of the week.


 Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in his
	    spare time; only by what he does as his work.
			     W.R. Lethaby
  C.M. Connelly               c@eskimo.com                   SHC, DS

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