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Bug#132237: tetex-base: ConTeXt format files cannot be created due to missing files (cont-??.ini)


this problem is rather annoying and requires so little.

PLEASE, please include either files of that type
% This is a configuration file needed for Thomas Esser's teTeX. Don't 
% forget to uncomment the context specific lines in "fmtutil --edit".
% You may want to read the ConTeXt installation manual "minstall.pdf".  
\input cont-de.tex 

or change in `kpsewhich fmtutil.cnf` these lines:
  cont-cz pdfetex         cont-usr.tex    *cont-cz.ini
to use "cont-cz.tex" instead of "cont-cz.ini"

For questions: Ask Thomas Esser (te) why he introduced
"cont-cz.ini" etc.

I frankly don't know why tetex-base_1.0.2+20011202.orig.tar.gz doesn't
contain them - I used several selfcompiled versions over the years and
they always contained these files (after the date ConTeXt had been
included into 0.9 of cause). Using the university's tex installation or
a SuSE system they were always present. Meanwhile they are also included
in ConTeXt itself (http://www.pragma-ade.nl/download.htm) but their
origine is teTeX itself.

This above all: To thine own self be true / And it must follow as
the night the day / Thou canst not then be false to any man.

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