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Re: PDFTeX support

"CMC" == C.M. Connelly <cmc@debian.org>
"CM"  == Christoph Martin <martin@uni-mainz.de> 

    CMC> If not, can we just move them from tetex-extra to
    CMC> tetex-base?

    CM> We should only look that tetex-base does not grow to
    CM> large. The real question is: What should be in the basic
    CM> tetex set?

I would think that we should have anything people need to use the
programs in tetex-bin in tetex-base.  That would probably include
the base and required parts of LaTeX, though, so maybe wouldn't be
small enough for some people (tetex-base does appear to include
some significant subset of LaTeX, however).

At the least, it should contain all of the configuration and
direct support files needed to run the main programs, especially
since people are clearly depending on tetex-bin to get
pdftex/pdflatex and having breakage because tetex-bin only
``Suggests'' tetex-extra.


 Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in his
	    spare time; only by what he does as his work.
			     W.R. Lethaby
  C.M. Connelly               c@eskimo.com                   SHC, DS

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