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Re: Problems upgrading tetex

Thank you for your response on my message about problems upgrading

> A big part of it appears to be that you attempted to install parts
> of the new system without the other parts.  If you were using apt,
> the dependencies should have forced the installation of the newer
> packages.

That was indeed that hoped would happen. On the other hand, APT
reported that there were configuration files left and suggested that I
would leave them there, and so I did (I am sorry for not having
written down which configuration files). I think the main problem was
language.dat that needed nehyph2.tex instead of nehyph.tex.

> /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat hasn't required
> you to install tetex-nonfree for a long time now -- presumably
> your new tetex-bin was trying to use your old tetex-base files.

Well, first I did "apt-get install tetex-base" and then
"apt-get install tetex-bin", so I would not expect tetex-bin to chew
old tetex-base files.

> If someone else doesn't chime in with a better solution, you might
> consider forcefully removing tetex and then reinstalling it.

That is what I did. I repaired the file /var/state/apt/lists by
copying the checksum (MD5Sum) from a package file. Then I edited
language.dat, and changed "nehyph2.tex" in "nehyph.tex" Finally I
removed tetex-extra, tetex-bin and tetex-base, and re-installed them.
Everything seems to work now. Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
Paul Huygen

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