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Bug#117528: xdvi no longer understands quotes in options

Julian Gilbey <J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk> writes:
> I suggest the following hack using IFS to work around it.  It will
> fail if any argument has a newline character in it, but that shouldn't
> be much of a loss ;-)  Otherwise, one could replace the newline with
> something else and use printf or equivalent.
> for i
> do
>     args="$args
> $lastarg"
>     lastarg=$i
> done
> filename=$lastarg
> [...]
> args="$NAMEOPT
> $args
> $filename"
> IFS='
> '
> xdvi.bin $args || exit 1
> exit 0

This doesn't work for me. Perhaps it is incomplete (OIFS is never used),
but I couldn't complete it. I do not understand how the value of IFS
influences the handling of quoting. 

On the other hand side, escaping the quotas works:

xdvi -editor \'gnuclient -q +%l %f\'  file.xdvi

and, of course, one can always take xdvi.bin directly. 
So one could say this is more a documentation problem.

Since the newest version of tetex-bin (1.0.7+20011202-2) now supports
source specials in TeX and the -editor option in xdvi.bin, 
I expect that more user will meet this problem. One should mention it
somewhere (xdvi manpage?). In addition, one could include README.src-specials
from the xdvik sources, since this is the place where the use of these new
features is explained.


Meik Hellmund
Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Uni Leipzig

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