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Re: Debian teTeX FAQ

Hi Claire,

C.M. Connelly writes:
 > I'm now more or less settled in at our new apartment in southern
 > California, and am at the point where I would much rather work on
 > Debian stuff than continue unpacking.  ;-)

Go ahead, you're wellcome ;-))

 > So I would like to kick things off by asking for some input here
 > on debian-tetex-maint first.  I have *some* ideas about what
 > should be in the FAQ (see
 > <http://zope.verwaltung.uni-mainz.de/debian-tetex/UserFAQ>), and I
 > also have *some* of the answers to those questions

This is a good starting point. If more points come to my mind, I will
add them. 

 > (I posted a
 > piece on bug reporting to this list ages ago).

I can remember this posting and wanted to put it on the website, but I
couln't find it in my mail archive. Can you please make a wiki from

 > Once I have some basic questions and answers, I'll make a draft of
 > the FAQ available for feedback and post an announcement to this
 > list.  When we're happy, I'll announce the existence of the FAQ to
 > debian-users, debian-devel, and any other appropriate lists that
 > people suggest, and get some feedback from the wider world.  Once
 > that information is incorporated into the FAQ, we can include it
 > with a future release of Debian's teTeX packages (a pointer to its
 > web location would probably be appropriate before final release,
 > too).

Sounds good.

 > Suggestions about tools to maintain the FAQ would also be
 > appreciated.  I spent a little bit of time slapping together a
 > LaTeX class, but it may be that SGML or some other format would be
 > better for long-term maintenance.

What about faqomatic? I have seen it on different sites now and it
looks ok. And even better: There is a Debian package for it and I can
installe it easily on conrad.verwaltung.uni-mainz.de alias zope..

 > Also, if there's a better (more official/permanent) location than
 > <http://people.debian.org/~cmc/tetex-faq/> that's already
 > available (assigned to teTeX by the Debian web team), please let
 > me know.

I don't know about such a beast. I can host it on my server in the


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