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Debian teTeX FAQ

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At various points over the last year or so we've talked about the
idea of adding a Debian-specific teTeX FAQ that would deal with
the peculiarities of Debian's teTeX packages, as well as provide
some information about how to track down and report bugs with
executables and LaTeX packages included with Debian's teTeX.

I'm now more or less settled in at our new apartment in southern
California, and am at the point where I would much rather work on
Debian stuff than continue unpacking.  ;-)

So I would like to kick things off by asking for some input here
on debian-tetex-maint first.  I have *some* ideas about what
should be in the FAQ (see
<http://zope.verwaltung.uni-mainz.de/debian-tetex/UserFAQ>), and I
also have *some* of the answers to those questions (I posted a
piece on bug reporting to this list ages ago).  But I know there's
lots more I haven't thought of.

I would greatly appreciate it if the folks reading this list could
take a few minutes to add some questions (and answers, if you have
them!)  that you see or hear over and over in the bug-tracking
system, in debian-user, or in any other forum.

Once I have some basic questions and answers, I'll make a draft of
the FAQ available for feedback and post an announcement to this
list.  When we're happy, I'll announce the existence of the FAQ to
debian-users, debian-devel, and any other appropriate lists that
people suggest, and get some feedback from the wider world.  Once
that information is incorporated into the FAQ, we can include it
with a future release of Debian's teTeX packages (a pointer to its
web location would probably be appropriate before final release,

Please either reply to this message to me (which should go to
<c+tetex-faq@eskimo.com>, for easy filtering) or to the list.
(But not both -- I'm reading the list!)

Suggestions about tools to maintain the FAQ would also be
appreciated.  I spent a little bit of time slapping together a
LaTeX class, but it may be that SGML or some other format would be
better for long-term maintenance.

Also, if there's a better (more official/permanent) location than
<http://people.debian.org/~cmc/tetex-faq/> that's already
available (assigned to teTeX by the Debian web team), please let
me know.



 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               c@eskimo.com                   SHC, DS
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