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Bug#39464: Missing Manual Pages for Debian

Manual pages for a number of executable scripts or programs are
missing from teTeX (27 in all).  Debian policy specifies that
every executable must have a manual page, and there's been a bug
report listing many of these (#39464) open for well over a year.
I volunteered to write some, and manpages for the following
scripts or programs are now available as drafts for review:

   e2pall.1        mkofm.1        rumakeindex.1 
   fmtutil.8       ofm2opl.1      texdoc.1 
   fontinst.1      opl2ofm.1      texexec.1 
   kpsepath.1      otp2ocp.1      texi2pdf.1 
   kpsetool.1      outocp.1       texlinks.8 
   kpsexpand.1     ovf2ovp.1      texshow.1 
   mkfontdesc.1    ovp2ovf.1      texutil.1 
   mkindex.1       pslatex.1      thumbpdf.1 
   mkocp.1         rubibtex.1     ttf2afm.1 

HTML versions (for quick review) are available from
<http://www.eskimo.com/~c/debian/tetex-manpages/>.  You can also
download tar files containing the Yodl or *roff format files (I
wrote the pages using Yodl, then converted them to HTML and *roff

Please take a look at them (especially the ones for the programs
you use) and give me some feedback.  They're unlikely to be even
close to perfect, but they should be a decent foundation to build
on (i.e., they're better than what we had!).  In particular, I
wasn't entirely clear on the authorship or addresses for bug
reports for some of these executables.

I hope that -- once polished -- these manual pages can be
integrated into the upstream sources and maintained by the authors
of the scripts and programs so that they can be a resource for the
whole TeX community.  It's also possible that they'll alert the
upstream authors to the existence of scripts that aren't necessary
and can be removed -- some of the scripts seemed like they were
unfinished or completely broken (especially e2pall).

For Debian, note that fmtutil and texlinks are actually
administrative tools, and should be in section 8, not section 1
(the existing links to the undocumented(7) manual page are under
section 1).  Also note that several additional executables
appeared without manual pages between teTeX 1.06 and teTeX 1.07
(texexec, texlinks, texshow, texutil, thumbpdf).



 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               c@eskimo.com                   SHC, DS

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