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Bug#39464: Missing Manual Pages for Debian

"C.M. Connelly" wrote:
> "CM" == Christoph Martin <martin@uni-mainz.de> writes:
>    CM> Did anyone experienced with the respective commands look
>    CM> into these manpages? Is it ok to include them into teTeX?
Well Hans look short into it ;-)

> Hang on a bit longer -- Thomas Esser got back to me with some
> information, and some pointers to ask for more information about
> some of the commands.  I updated the pages I wrote with Thomas'
> information, but I haven't had a chance to look at Tobias Burnus's
> man pages and do a merge (or just replace mine with his -- mine
> are based on the information you get from the `--help' flag).
Whereas mine are based on the information of the PDF manual (URL see
the manual are available at http://www.pragma-ade.com/)
Note: My manpages are relative to the latest beta and contain a few more
commands (which are neither in the manual nor in the teTeX 1.0x
Contrary to CMC manpages (I couldn't dowload the source since
I got "permission denied") it includes also a longer description of the
As soon Hans establishes a working CVS tree at
I'll place them there.
Hans promissed to look at the manpages, but presently ConTeXt seems to
more important for him (chinese vertical, absolut positioning, HZ and
other PDFTeX

> Once I have (soon, I promise), I'll do another release for people
> to look at, and once everyone (especially Thomas) is happy, they
> should be ready to go into teTeX.
Please have a look at the manpages of texexec/texshow/texutil at
before you release your next version. (I could also place them at
context.sourceforge.net to make the address look better ;-)


PS: Yodl question: I have 
mancommand(.BR )
in the .yo file. This produces with yodl 1.31.18 the output "..BR" which
is wrong,
using (BR) I only get "BR" which is also wrong. Any workaround (but
deleting the "."?)

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