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Re: author causes error with amsart

"DB" == Denis Barbier <barbier@imacs.polytechnique.fr> writes:

   DB> On Tue, 30 May 2000, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:

   >> Sorry but this is not yet the problem of Debian's tetex
   >> package but only a possible future bug ;-)
   >> When one uses amsart.cls of amslatex 2.0 with
   >> \author{Atsuhito Kohda \\ Tokushima University} and
   >> \maketitle, the error occurs like
   >> ! Use of \@icentercr doesn't match its definition.
   >> <argument> \def

   DB> Should be \author{Atsuhito Kohda \and Tokushima University}

Not in an AMS document class.  The AMS abstracts the top-matter
information to a greater extent than the standard LaTeX document
classes, which gives them more flexibility (you can, for example,
write an article using the amsart document class, which can be
typeset later using a different AMS class (perhaps a
journal-specific class) resulting in a radically different
appearance without having to mess around with the top matter).

If you had multiple authors, you would type the top matter
something like

   \title{Foo, Bar, and Xyzzy}
   \author[F. Author]{First Author}
   \address[First Author]{New Math Department\\
	    Big University\\
	    1234 University Drive\\
	    Anytown, ST  12345--6789}
   \thanks{The research of the first author was generously supported by
      Grant \#4567.}
   \author[S. Author]{Second Author}
   \address[Second Author]{Department of Mathematics\\
	    Gigantic University\\
	    9876 University Way\\
	    Everywhere, HR  98765--4321}
   \thanks{The research of the second author was supported by coffee and Jolt.}

You can use \and, but you would only want to do so if all the
authors were from the same institution.  The AMS would also
probably frown on the practice, since it's not as flexible for
them.  (\author{First Author \and Second Author} produces the same
output with amsart as two separate \author commands, but might not
with some other document class.)


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   C.M. Connelly               c@eskimo.com                   SHC, DS

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