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Re: Router / Firewall / Gateway

On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 08:24, mark wrote:
> Adam Lydick wrote:


> > (4) set up flow control with tc to cap non-interactive bandwidth usage
> > (this was not fun)
> You had me with you up until number four here... "What's flow 
> control" for?

It divides traffic into classes (categories) and allows you to
prioritize them and control the amount of bandwidth each class is
allowed to consume. Quite useful if you are hosting a webserver or a p2p
client off a DSL connection and still want to use it for web browsing.

My tc rules look something like:
* if traffic is tagged as bulk (by a previous iptables rule) stick it in
the low priority queue.
* otherwise assume it is interactive traffic and put it in the high
priority queue.

The kernel will drain the interactive queue before touching the bulk
queue, ensuring that I never need to wait on more than one outgoing bulk

I didn't find the tool to be very friendly for human consumption, but I
managed to stagger through it over a weekend and just saved a script so
I don't have to remember how to do it ;)


> Ditto, It will even be a VERY simple install. The only thing 
> different about it is that I recompiled the kernel to include MPPE 
> encryption for MS type vpn connections for my road warriors.
> Yet more routing difficulties there...

VPN is something I haven't tried setting up yet.

> All in all, I guess I really need to learn iptables before 
> continuing. But hey, everyone starts out that way right?

I would recommend it. It is not terribly difficult to learn and will be
the most flexible solution in the long run.

I can make my configuration available, if you would like some simple
examples to start with. (although I cannot make any promises about the
accuracy, other than a "best effort").

> Thanks all,
> Mark

- Adam

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