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Re: Hardware detection question/problem

The latest discover seems to be called 'discover', and it won't auto-update due to dependencies, so [apt-get install discover] is your friend. The current version in sarge (for me at least) fixes most of the problems I had with NICs etc....only outstanding issue was that alsa wouldn't load. That was due to discover being _too_ good and loading the i810 module when I really wanted the one from alsa....a suitable line in /etc/discover.conf to ignore the sound module fixed that.

Everything's peachy again...


On 29 Apr 2004, at 05:03, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:

On Thursday 29 April 2004 05:37, Joe Spears wrote:
The hardware detection problem appears to be that the "discover" package
in Sarge was renamed to "discover1".

Well I don't know what crazy stuff is going on in sarge these days, but in sid
we have discover, and discover1.
discover is the latest version, based on libdiscover2.
discover1 is the old version, based on the original libdiscover library.


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