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Re: Hardware detection question/problem

On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 03:13:08AM -0400, Jim Seymour wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2004 at 10:31:04PM -0500, Chuck Bearden wrote:
> > I have a Sarge box that I installed with the beta 2 installer.  Am I
> > correct in believing that /etc/init.d/discover (invoked via a symlink
> > during boot) is supposed to detect hardware and load the drivers
> > automatically?  Is there a way to make the system perform the same
> > hardware detection now that it did when I installed?
> > 
>  There have been at least a couple of updates to discover recently that 
> may have affected your system. Locate pci.lst. On my system it is at 
> /lib/discover/pci.lst. This file contains the identifiers and the driver 
> to load for each item that discover recognizes. You can get the correct 
> info on what you may need to add to pci.lst by running lspci. If that 
> doesn't provide you with enough info you can pause your screen while the 
> bios is going through it's booting messages. It will list the various 
> cards/chips, the vendor id and the card/chip id. I had to add my nvidia 
> sound and ethernet chip info back in after a recent update to 
> discover-data.

Thanks to Anders & Jim.  I will have a look at /lib/discover/pci.lst
when I get home from work and see if I can see what should be added.
I'm not presently using USB devices with my Linux system.  The only two
problems I've noticed so far are with sound & net.  I've temporarily
solved that problem by adding the via82xx-sound and tulip drivers to the
list in /etc/modules.  I will also have a look at modconf--perhaps
that's a better way to handle it.

I was immensely impressed with the hardware detection in the Sarge
installer.  I have had a very stable, usable system based on that
install for several months now.  This is the first problem I've
encountered with Sarge, despite seeing packages split and upgraded
several times when running Synaptic.

One other thing: early on in the boot process there is some kind of
message on a hardware discovery problem.  It goes by far too quickly
really to catch what it says, and it doesn't appear in dmesg output or
system logs.  I'll modify the /etc/init.d/discover script to 
redirect output to a file.  I suspect that the problem will be revealed

Thanks again,

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