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Re: Hardware detection question/problem

On Sun, Apr 25, 2004 at 10:31:04PM -0500, Chuck Bearden wrote:
> I have a Sarge box that I installed with the beta 2 installer.  Am I
> correct in believing that /etc/init.d/discover (invoked via a symlink
> during boot) is supposed to detect hardware and load the drivers
> automatically?  Is there a way to make the system perform the same
> hardware detection now that it did when I installed?

 There have been at least a couple of updates to discover recently that 
may have affected your system. Locate pci.lst. On my system it is at 
/lib/discover/pci.lst. This file contains the identifiers and the driver 
to load for each item that discover recognizes. You can get the correct 
info on what you may need to add to pci.lst by running lspci. If that 
doesn't provide you with enough info you can pause your screen while the 
bios is going through it's booting messages. It will list the various 
cards/chips, the vendor id and the card/chip id. I had to add my nvidia 
sound and ethernet chip info back in after a recent update to 



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