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Re: debian sucks aka i cant get it to install

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 20:49, Ian L wrote:
> I'm glad debian isnt my first introduction to linux because if it were, i'd 
> be running back to windows.
Then install Woody, you proven to be a Jackass. Woody works. (3.0r2)

> Right now trying the testing network install
Don't you might fall off the Gates Band Wagon.

> I've tried installing it several times now in several ways and i cant get 
> anywhere with it (including the stable cd-rom install). Lilo never seems to 
> load, nor does grub. It either does nothing, or does something too quick 
> for me to see what its doing and then just puts me back where i was. 
> Selecting the 'finish install and reboot' option just puts me back at the 
> lilo setup screen.
> Several times i've gotten a debootstrap error because awk was already there 
> (booted into the shell and deleted awk to get past that problem).  I've 
> also gotten debootstrap error return value 127. When i get that error and 
> look in the debootstrap log file, it says error were encountered while 
> processing:
> libopencdk8
> libgnutils7
> exim4-daemon-light
> mailx
> at
> exim4
> /usr/sbin/debootstrap: 1: sleep: not found
> Can anyone point me to some resources that give you a good guide on how to 
> install debian? I'm familar with linux through redhat, but this is the 
> first time i'm playing around with debian. I'd REALLY appreciate some help 
> getting this working. But please dont send me anymore new MS patches to fix 
> this  ;)

We are not sending you those. Those virii/worms are collecting it off
the usenet postings.

Go back and install Woody. Testing(Sarge) is Just that, testing your
patience. Expect problems. If you don't have the skill needed to
research your problem yourself... Use Woody.
REMEMBER ED CURRY! http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry

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