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Sarge: debian-installer from Bootfloppydisk and Description of In stallation

Hello Debian-Testing-insterested people,

I downloaded the ISO-CD-Images "Sarge", status "testing" and
I found a floppy-image on the first CD: cdrom144-1440.img.
It is possible to boot my K5 486 100Mc/s-PC by them.
When the debian-installer is started, it is possible to choose
the language, CD-ROM will be detected and is really mounted, 
at menuitem "Load installer modules" the cdrom-retriever for fetching
modules from CD will be used.
In the following list, where you find items
like cdrom-checker, modutils-basic, lvmcfg, and so on, it is possible to mark the
desired items, but now I don't know how to continue with the debian-installer-prompt,
seen as
Prompt: 1 - 37, q to end, b for begin>
It is posible only to enter the numbers, b for begin of list and q for end.
1) Do you know which actions at the prompt must be done to proceed successfully ?
2) Do you know about a small instructing-manual for the debian-installer, used in "testing" ?
3) Can you give me some helpful hints to install "testing" successfully ?

Many thanks,


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