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Re: installation report

sön 2003-04-13 klockan 20.02 skrev Josh Metzler:
> (1) The machine booted just fine, and the install seemed to be going well.  I 
> put a ? for Load installer modules, because I'm not sure how that went.  
> After or while loading rootskel_0.26_i386_udeb, I got the message:
> tar: ./linuxrc: Text file busy
> corrupted status flag
> Then, I got "corrupted status flag" after every following package.  However, 
> all of the modules seemed to load.

Hrrrm. This means that there was a more recent rootskel package on the
CD than on the boot medium. That's very strange. Anyway, a more recent
version of anna shouldn't try to install special packages like rootskel
at all, so this is fixed.

> (2) The installer seemed to go well from that point, too, except that I had to 
> choose menu items 13, 14, and 15 instead of 12. Configure & mount partitions.  
> When I would choose this step, I would get this message:
> Couldn't locate module linear.
> Then the menu would come back.

Er! partconf should just try to modprobe some interesting modules (like
raid, lvm, filesystems...) it should not fail because they are missing!
Probably something else was broken, but I haven't seen this happen at
all, so I'm kinda stumped...

>   Using the alternative "Partition harddrive", 
> "Create filesystems", and "Mount partitions" (I'm not sure of those names - 
> didn't write them down) worked great.  (/boot is ext2, the others are ext3).

OK. They're being deprecated in favour of partconf though, so it would
be nice to know partconf is working... :)

> (CD install only: ) Early on, I selected to install sid rather than sarge.  
> When I got to the point of installing the base-system from CD, it failed 
> because there was no /dists/sid available on the CD - only dists/unstable.  
> Adding that symlink for the CDs shouldn't be too hard.

Well, sarge is what's on the CD. It's just traditional to have
stable/unstable/testing symlinks. I guess choose-mirror could somehow
try to figure out which dists are available. Though wait a second, you
shouldn't even have to run choose-mirror on a CD install! :) That can
break a lot, I think...

> I could not install the base-system.  Anna? downloaded a package whose name I 
> forget, then apt_0.5.4, but then always segfaulted while installing 
> apt_utils_0.5.4.

baes-installer is what's installing base (anna is the "Load installer
modules" step). Is this the same thing as #189058, do you think?

> Thanks for all the hard work you are putting into the installer, D-I people.

Thank *you* for testing it! :)

Martin Sjögren
  sjogren@debian.org -- marvin@dum.chalmers.se
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
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