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Re: sarge installer bugs

ons 2003-04-23 klockan 00.50 skrev Paul Jaros:

I hope you're aware of that sarge is not yet released, and the new
installer is still in alpha stage? That said, we appreciate any feedback
on it, except for "the text interface sucks" ;) (we have other
interfaces ready, but since they can accidentally overwrite debug
output, we don't want to use them yet.

> I'm pretty new to this list. But got some knowledge about installing 
> linux. Now I tried to install sarge with the netinstall-cd-image. I had 
> many strange errors installing it, but couldn't really say if I was 
> doing something wrong or if bugs preventing me to do stuff.
> After some time I re-downloaded the latest netinstall-image and read 
> some more manuals and man-pages. I did some researches in the faqs and 
> browsed the known bugs db. Now, I was able to install the base system 
> and get it running... although i.e. without any swap-parition. I know I 
> will be able to install it manually, know that I got a running system on 
> my hdd.
> Now what I'd like to know:
> - Where are all those bugs filed for the netinstaller for sarge? 'Cause 
> the Netinstall bug list I found shows zero bugs.

You can file them on the pseudo package 'installation-reports' and we'll
try to clone and reassign to the appropriate packages (the new installer
consists of a multitude of cooperating packages).

The swap issue is a known problem that we're working on.

Martin Sjögren
  sjogren@debian.org -- marvin@dum.chalmers.se
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