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Bug#211147: Install report - further this time

Package: installation-reports


Debian-installer-version: 09-15-2003 http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/testing/netinst/i386/sarge-i386-netinst.iso
uname -a: 2.4.20-1-386
Date: 9-15-03 10:30
Method: How did you install?  What did you boot off?  If network
      install, from where?  Proxied?

Booting from CD.  I used the "net" method.

Machine: Thinkpad T30
Processor: 1.8GHz Pentium4
Memory: 768MB
Root Device: IDE
Root Size/partition table:  Feel free to paste the full partition
      table, with notes on which partitions are mounted where.
Output of lspci:

Base System Installation Checklist:

Initial boot worked:    [O]
Configure network HW:   [O]
Config network:         [O]
Detect CD:              [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [O]
Create file systems:    [O]
Mount partitions:       [O]
Install base system:    [O]
Install boot loader:    [E]
Reboot:                 [ ]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it


As with 'linux' install, the net install only has e100.  However, it
seems to get much futher more easily.  The display works ok for
starters, although the # char scroll bar is not displayed correctly.

Detect hardware and load kernel still results in error messages on VC4
about missing eepro100 and orinoco_pci drivers.  But no user messages
are sent back.

Installing the base system worked, but VC4 showed a whole pile of
messages from the installer:

WF: Retrying failed download of %s

I tried to install grub as the bootloader without sucess.  There are a
bunch of syslog errors on VC4 during this operation.  VC3 has:

Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.
Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.

On VC4:

end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy) sector 0
end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy) sector 0
end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy) sector 2
end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy) sector 4
end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy) sector 6

My machine only has a CD installed - the ultrabay floppy is currently
not in the machine.

I then tried installing LILO, which went perfectly.

Until I rebooted and system got as far as printing "Booting the
kernel" and doing a warm reboot immediately.

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