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Bug#204409: INSTALL REPORT - fail on opteron/tyan K8S

On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Martin Sjögren wrote:

> tor 2003-08-07 klockan 03.09 skrev Mattias Wadenstein:
> > http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/testing/netinst/i386/sarge-i386-netinst.iso
> > Initial boot worked:    [O]
> > Configure network HW:   [E]
> Don't tell me you booted with the 'net' option? Arrrrrgh. This means you
> downloaded a 80+ MB CD and only used 1.44 MB of it. Congratulations.

I just pressed enter at the boot prompt trusting that the deafult would be
the least broken one.

> > After that I went on to try and get the network up. This was where
> > everything failed and I aborted my installation attempt (as this was a
> > netinst cd). Errors:
> > "Something must have gone wrong" at "Detecting HW and loading kernel
> > modules", running "modprobe -v tg3".
> >
> > I couldn't load the module manually either ("No such device") and dmesg
> > gives the following output when I try to load the module:
> > tg3.c:v1.2 (Nov 14, 2002)
> > tg3: Problem fetching invariants of chip, aborting
> > tg3: Problem fetching invariants of chip, aborting
> But the module is there? This is strange. Have you bootstrapped the
> machine in another way and tried to modprobe the module?

No, I haven't yet. The module is there. Probably a kernel/driver issue.

Btw, I then went on to try and test the not-netinst-image but I was too
tired to keep full notes. I spectacularly failed to partition the
harddrive trying all available methods, and then I managed to get a new fs
on the one existing partition and get "base-install exited with return
code 2560".

/Mattias Wadenstein

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