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Re: how to downgrade from testing to stable

A. L. Meyers <nospam.look@replyto.because.this.is.invalid> [2002-09-29 10:25:40 +0200]:
> Thanks for the inputs, everyone.  Now I've become really scared.  Could
> someone please post or point me to some verbose examples of
> /etc/apt/preferences files?  :-)

Don't be scared.  The current "testing" version is in a pretty good
state all things considered.  Why not just stay there?  Even if you
keep your sources.list file pointing to "stable" eventually _most_
things will catch up.  So what you have already done, point back to
stable, should satisfy your needs fine.

One issue that may be problematic is that the security team will
sometimes need to operate out of sync to the normal unstable, testing,
stable flow of packages.  Which means that is is possible for security
updates to release for stable but not yet be available in testing.  In
those cases you would manually need install the updates if they
applied in your case.  Thy may not apply if you are behind another
security domain such as behind a firewall and the problem is not
germaine to you.  Eventually when testing becomes stable at the next
big release then you would be caught up again.

Are you having a specific problem when running testing for which the
list might be able to help?  If so then it might be easier to address
that issue.  It will improve the next stable release.

> BTW it would seem to me that apt developers should make downgrading just
> as simple as upgrading.

The problem is that time always moves forward.  (And many of us also
notice an acceleration component as well.  Time keeps moving faster
ever day.)  Therefore there is an asymmetry to changing versions.
Developers can make things backward compatible.  But in the general
case it is impossible to make things forward compatible.

Moving from a newer version to an older version is not an expected
situation.  That problem is called forward compatibility, the opposite
of backward compatibility, and in general cannot be handled
gracefully.  The older version has already been released and frozen in
time at the moment that you determine that you need to handle a
problem in the forward case.  Only backward compatibility can be
handled gracefully.  The future knows about the past but the past does
not know about the future.


The future is not what it used to be.  It never was.

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