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Re: Error on booting install

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Hello Marcelo

Please include in your next mail:

1) Which version of debian are you trying to install: 2.2 potato, 3.0 woody, sarge, sid? 2) Exact error messages. "I get a message like..." does not help. Please write down the error message and post it again.

If for 1) you are trying to boot from a set of sid CDs which is apparently the case if there are 9 CDs, you CANNOT boot them! You have to install first woody (3.0, stable) and then you can do a distupgrade to sid or whatever.

Best regards


A nine CD set sounds like sid which is NOT bootable to my knowledge.

Am Mittwoch den, 18. September 2002, um 07:13, schrieb Marcelo Coraca de Freitas:

Hi there;

    I downloaded all the 9 CDs set of Debian, but, when I try to load
the installer, it fails. The CD boot is working, but it display a
error message ( "can't find file /usr/......../land..." or something
like that). What is wrong?
     How could I load this instalation with sucess?

Marcelo Coraca de Freitas   <batera@linux.ime.usp.br>

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