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qt3 and open gl ?

Hi !

If I want to compile one of the qt3 examples, I get the error:

markus@Eddie: > make
Some of the required modules (opengl) are not available.

Hmm. I installed everything qt3 needs, I think:

markus@Eddie: > dpkg -l libqt3\*
======= ii  libqt3         3.0.3-20020329 Qt GUI Library (runtime
version). ii  libqt3-dev     3.0.3-20020329 Qt GUI development files
un  libqt3-gl      <keine>        (keine Beschreibung vorhanden)
ii  libqt3-mt      3.0.3-20020329 Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime
version). ii  libqt3-mt-dev  3.0.3-20020329 Qt Threaded development
files ii  libqt3-mt-mysq 3.0.3-20020329 Mysql database plugin for Qt3
(Threaded) un  libqt3-mt-odbc <keine>        (keine Beschreibung
vorhanden) un  libqt3-mt-psql <keine>        (keine Beschreibung
vorhanden) ii  libqt3-mysql   3.0.3-20020329 Mysql database plugin for
Qt3 un  libqt3-odbc    <keine>        (keine Beschreibung vorhanden)
un  libqt3-psql    <keine>        (keine Beschreibung vorhanden)

markus@Eddie: > dpkg -l  xlibmesa3 
======= ii  xlibmesa3      4.1.0-16       XFree86 version of Mesa 3D
graphics library

Ok, libqt3-gt could be an issue, but:
Eddie: # apt-get install libqt3-gl
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Package libqt3-gl has no available version, but exists in the database.
This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
of sources.list
However the following packages replace it:
E: Package libqt3-gl has no installation candidate

I did an apt-get update before and openGl programs are running fine
here, usually... perhaps there is an error in the packages ? Or is the
Problem Between Keyboard And Chair ?

Markus Grunwald

Registered Linux User Nr 101577      http://www.grunwald.2xs.de
http://counter.li.org                (hier pgp/gpg public key)

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