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Re: Woody idepci bootfloppies install stable over testing base system

> And, as an added note, if you edit the sources.list created by the installer
> manually, off course the local package lists are still from stable. The
> obvious thing to do is an `apt-get update`, but if you want to use tasksel
> this is not enough (the tasks are quite weird), so you will have to run
> dselect and choose 'update'. Anyone know why this is?

I believe tasksel uses /var/lib/dpkg/available to see what there is. It
seems dselect's update is the easiest, but you could also use "dpkg
--update-avail" and "dpkg --merge-avail", which would have to be called
for each of the "Packages" files downloaded by apt-get. (update-avail
for the first, merge-avail for each of the rest.)

I've recently been using aptitude, and I'm really impressed. I doubt
I'll ever go back to dselect now, and aptitude also gives you access to
the tasks...


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