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eepro100 driver in Woody install

Note: I'm using an ISO downloaded from
http://debian.linux.org.tw/debian-unofficial/ so I'm not sure these are
the "official" testing ISOs, but the site is listed as a mirror on the
debian site (here: http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/#testing), so I
assume they should be okay.

The system I did the install on is a Gateway Solo 1450SE laptop.  In it,
it has a NIC that requires the eepro100 module.  This module is indeed
on the CD, but it does not show up in the installer portion where you
choose modules (modconf, I assume), though it does show the eepro module
(which does not work with this particular NIC).  I'm assuming that
either modconf is botching the listing, or that there is a reason
eepro100 isn't selectable on install, but I thought I'd mention that it
hampered my install.

My solution, by the way, was to burn a new kernel source tarball onto a
CD-R(W), compile a custom kernel, modprobe eepro100, bring the NIC up
manually, grab pump, bring the NIC down manually, edit
/etc/network/interfaces, and then bring it up with "ifup".  It's not all
that bad, but I could have saved a good 20-30 minutes just having it in
the installer.

Oh, and one last (OT to this email, but not this list) issue - the Solo
didn't like the default boot parameters very much and worked much better
with the "video=vga16:off" line suggested on one of the help screens at
boot, though it was still readable.

Daniel DiPaolo <ddipaolo@trinity.edu>
GnuPG key ID: 0xB2F23FC2

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