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Re: Nautilus & Gconf Errors

(2002-01-24) Michael G. Ross sed :

 | As far as I can tell, I do not have gconfd running, and I am not logged
 | in from multiple machines - I am just running X locally. All my packages
 | are up-to-date. On the machine with the problem, my home directory is on
 | an automounted NFS drive that has its root permissions squashed, so if
 | something needs to run as root and write files to my home directory that
 | could be the cause of the problem. I also tried to run nautilus without
 | any of the rest of Gnome running (launching from fvwm) and got the same
 | result.

I had the same problem with galeon and evolution, which use gconf.
I think it's because it tries to use some lock on files that the
Network File System doesn't support.
My ugly solution was to symlink the .gconf* directories to a directory
on the local drive.

VALLIET Emmanuel
Webmotion Inc. (-> http://www.webmotion.com <-)
Useless Invention: Motorcycle seat-belts.

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