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Nautilus & Gconf Errors

I have two machines that I run woody on. On one of them, nautilus works just fine. On the other, starting nautilus produces many, many copies of the following error message:

Eel-WARNING **: GConf error:
Failed to contact configuration server (a likely cause of this is that you have an existing configuration server (gconfd) running, but it isn't reachable from here - if you're logged in from two machines at once, you may need to enable TCP networking for ORBit)

As far as I can tell, I do not have gconfd running, and I am not logged in from multiple machines - I am just running X locally. All my packages are up-to-date. On the machine with the problem, my home directory is on an automounted NFS drive that has its root permissions squashed, so if something needs to run as root and write files to my home directory that could be the cause of the problem. I also tried to run nautilus without any of the rest of Gnome running (launching from fvwm) and got the same result.

Any ideas would be appreciated!

Mike Ross

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