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Re: Still having upgrade problems with xserver-svga

dwarf@polaris.net said:
>  I installed from Potato CDs and then upgraded to Woody over a PPP
> connection. Because I knew that there were major changes between
> Potato and Woody reguarding XFree86, I put off the configuration of X
> until the upgrade.

I did the same (on a different machine) - here are my notes:

Make sure all packages installed are XFree4 (not XFree3) packages - with 

use xserver-XFree (not xserver-svga)

When asked for the type of monitor you get 3 choices, something like
simple - medium - detailed

I chose medium and exaggerated first on the resolution and repeat rate of my 
screen, then later I chose the particular resolution and repeat rate I wanted 
as the default (and only) resolution.

Good luck - Josef

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