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Re: SSH's sftp service

On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 02:18:28AM -0800, Andrew Gorcester wrote:
> In previous versions of Woody, sftp - SSH's encrypted, secure file transfer
> service - was activated by default.  Now, it's not.  Could someone please
> tell me how to activate the sftp service manually?  I'd really apprecate it.
> I don't see anything in the configuration file, and there's no man page for
> "sftpd"...

I just did a clean install of woody's ssh package... (dpkg --purge ssh &&
apt-get install ssh). Make sure you enable ssh2, as sftp apparently only
works with ssh2 (see sshd manpage).

Examining the sshd_config file I found a reference at the bottom saying 

	Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/sftp-server

As I understand it, libexec is something commonly found on BSD systems
(where OpenSSH originates), but for some reason the Debian sftp-server
resides in /usr/lib. So alter sshd_config to point Subsystem sftp to
/usr/lib/sftp-server and rehash the sshd config.

Oh, and as for sftpd not having a man page, the daemon is called
sftp-server (dpkg -L ssh does wonders if you don't know where stuff is

Bertram Bourdrez (bertram at debian dot mbit dot nl) -- ICQ# 32236129

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