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Re: Can I see package changelogs on the web?

Flavio Stanchina <flavio.stanchina@tin.it> wrote:

> I guess everyone else running testing or unstable too has the habit 
> of reading the changelogs of updated packages to see what has been 
> fixed and to know what might break. Is there a place on www.debian.org 
> where I can proactively read the changelogs before upgrading packages? 
> Sure it's right in front of my nose somewhere, but hell I can't find 
> it. However, there doesn't appear to be anything like that on the 
> package page and that would be its place, alongside with the bug list.

Try apt-listchanges. It's apt-gettable and can show the changelogs
during the upgrading, before dpkg starts to chew with the packages.
I've been using it for about month now, and find it great for my 
needs; I can easily check out the changelogs, or the interesting 
parts of it and I don't have to view every changelog separately, 
but all in same pager (less) and it all happens during the upgrade
process (which I'm always present). Nice tool.

Of course, you asked for a website for changelogs, but I just 
wanted to give you an idea of existence of such program, which 
most likely will do the job the way you like it - at least I like
is much. :-)

Jussi Ekholm,		    "Everything is so fine it could be
a little, ill flower   	     don't let your mind take you in misery
ekhowl@goa-head.org	     all the feelings you're not so much pleased
http://ekhowl.goa-head.org   they're just to take you to sweet harmony"

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