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Re: czech xkbsel

I have solved it.
in /usr/share/xkbsel/symbols (the qwerty statement was at wrong place):

$ diff cssk_ibm cssk_ibm.OLD
<     include "cssk_ibm(def_ibm_qwerty)"
>     include "cssk_ibm(def_ibm_qwerty)"

and in /etc/xkbsel/xkbsel.conf change definition of map[cs] e.g. to
map[cs] = us cs_y cs us_cs_y

then you must add shortcut to us_cs_y, e.g. to
us_cs_y = cssk(us_cs_qwerty)

	bye, M$

PS spellchecking is still bad, afaik in lyx and abiword (may be in others

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