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hylafax notes

Rhebergen@fel.tno.nl writes:
 > Eventhough sending works fine the old libtiff compatibility problem
 > still seems to be lurking around (could it be?). Either that or there
 > is some other explanation for the fact that I (still) get those ultra
 > short cut-off pages :( I tried a recompile of the most recent libtiff
 > and hylafax code. This yielded no improvement.

As it turns out there IS an alternative explanation. Allegedly ye ol'
libtiff incompatibility problem caused (altra) short pages. However in
this case the short page problem was caused by an improper page-data
trigger for old class2 modems. I found that adding the following lines
to the config.ttyS2 file made the difference. First line depends on
your modem. It maybe necessary for some (look/search in docs). The
second one is to get rid of a non critical error messsage. The last
one actually solved the short page problem.

  Class2DDISCmd:          AT+FDIS         # can maybe be omitted see documentatio$
  Class2APQueryCmd:       none
  Class2RecvDataTrigger:  "\22"

I found one additional small problem in the cron file that handles the
fax logs. It's locate in 


The line (number 5) should read

  test -f /var/spool/fax/log/xferfaxlog || exit 0

instead of

  test -f /var/spool/fax/log/xferlog || exit 0

Hope this helps others to get hylafax working with/in Debian testing



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