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trouble with sawfish-gnome

I am just trying to use sawfish-gnome 1.0.1-2 with gnome 1.4.
When starting Gnome yesterday first the panel did behave
in an unnnormal way, I couldn't start programs first, until
a message appeared that i use the wrong Windowmanager
with Gnome.
After clicking away the panel then I could start programs and
everything was fine.
The only thing that wasn't going was Sawfish Configuration via
the Gnome config tool.

Now after I started my machine today, when starting Gnome
the panel behaves unnnormal like yeterday, but instead of the error
message like yesterday the Desktop just shuts down and brings me to the gdm
login screen again so that I can't work with Gnome.

The System I use is a Potato which I updatet to woody a while ago,
as I think the packages are at thge newst versions as
i just updatet via http and deselect yeterday, too.

Is it possible that the problem comes from old config files
left on my system after the upgrade?


Henning Sprang , henning@sprang.de, http://www.sprang.de/

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