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potato+helix to woody upgrade report


I just wanted to report the results of upgrading a system from
potato+helix to woody.

I copied my old installation to a spare partition, used it for a while,
and then upgraded the new partition to testing. After logging in to
gdm, I got a gnome-terminal and ssh-add window as normal, but I got the
following message 11 times:

  Application "panel" (process XXX) has crashed due to a fatal error.
  (Segmentation Fault)

The terminal and the URLs on my desktop worked ok, but there didn't seem
to be a window manager. I exited with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and moved my
.gnome* directories to old.gnome for reference. I was then able to login
to a default gnome environment with the panel working properly.

Any idea if this problem was related to having config files from helix
gnome in my home directory? Most pure debian upgrades are smoother
than this, but I don't know if config files from potato's gnome would
have caused the same problems.

Other than a conflict with files in asclock-themes the upgrade went
well. Sorry, I don't rember which package it conflicted with.

Lee Bradshaw                 lee@sectionIV.com
Texas Instruments            bradshaw@ti.com

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