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Re: The X / mouse touble

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 12:14:45PM +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> I just compiled something, which could go with the Debian documentation (the 
> faqomatic is not working). Is there already somebody, which compiles the 
> release documentation for potato?
> Mouse works with gpm, but not with X:
> =====================================


Thanks a lot for writing this up, I'll do what I can as the gpm
maintainer to get this into the release notes..

FWIW I'm trying to get X to default to reading from gpm if possible,
but its proving to be a more, interesting, task to convince people then I
thought it would be..

At some point I may integrate the X mouse handling code into gpm to
make things even saner, but thats going to be a little while..

Zephaniah E. Hull..
> independent of the acutal protocol of the physical mouse. The
> advantage is, that whenever mouse needs to be re-configured, running
> gpmconfig is sufficient. The X configuration remains unchanged.

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