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Re: New version of i386 `boot-floppies' available for testing.

karlheg@bittersweet.inetarena.com (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:

>  Yes, I tagged.  And I promised Ben I will rename the tag.  I'll do
>  that later today.  It's now karlheg_release_2-2-9, but will be
>  renamed to release_2-2-9.

Hrm.  I guess I should build 2.2.9 proper for alpha.  I committed some
stuff that didn't make it in under the wire, but I'd still like people
to test (MILO support in particular) - is it okay for me to either (a)
retag, or (b) just upload them as 2.2.9 even though the source isn't
quite the same?

David Huggins-Daines, Senior Linux Consultant, Linuxcare, Inc.
613.562.1239 desk, 613.223.0225 mobile
dhd@linuxcare.com, http://www.linuxcare.com/
Linuxcare. Support for the revolution.

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